Welcome to the Anglican Parish of Chatham

Our Mission :  "To Know Christ and Make Him Known"

The Anglican Parish of Chatham is a two-point parish consisting of St. Mary's on Wellington Street and St. Paul's on Water Street.

We celebrate the Holy Eucharist at both ends of the parish each Sunday and we welcome you to come worship with us and grow into a closer relationship with our Lord  and Savior!

Read more about our history.

For service times click on the calendar of events or service times from above.

email - angpocm@gmail.com

Sunday's Readings

March 30th - Fourth Sunday of Lent

Joshua 5:9-12

Psalm 32

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32








Thought for the Week

If you learn everything except Christ,

you learn nothing.

If you learn nothing except Christ,

you learn everything.

     St. Bonaventure          


Ecumenical Mid-Week Services

are being held at St. Andrew's United Church, Wellington Street

each Wednesday from 12:15-12:30pm,

light lunch to follow.

Theme:  Nicene Creed - Anchor of Our Faith


Check the calendar for more information.